Winner Archives

Star Respondents of June 2009

askDr. K.A.S.Mani’s answers related to ground water aspects have been quite informative. Some of the responses from him this month are given below.
676 |  685 

Mr. Taral Kumar’s responses to the queries related to waste water treatment in the AAQ forum have always been very useful. Answers from him this month can be accessed through the links given below.
686 |  661 | 

Dr. Indukanth S. Ragade’s response to the query related to waste water treatment is quite informative. The response to a query this month can be accessed through the link given below.

India Water Portal is proud to announce Dr. K.A.S.Mani, Mr. Taral Kumar and Dr. Indukanth S. Ragade as the Star Respondents of June 2009! Publications or gift cheque worth Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

We are also proud to highlight the responses from our respectable experts to a query on “Power Cuts & Unclosed Taps: Preventing Water Leakage” as notable response of this month.

Response to the query can be accessed below:

India Water Portal and WES- Net thank all the experts participating in the forum for their active and continued support.


Past Winners:

April 09

askProf. (Dr) A.K. Susheela has been a great support to the forum on queries related to fluoride issues. Suggestions to the issues raised in the forum by her have been quite useful. The responses from her in contributed this month is given below.

Dr. Khajanchi Lal’s responses to the queries in the AAQ forum have always been very useful. The answer from him this month can be accessed through the links given below.

Mr. Anil Kumar Singla’s answers related to water supply related queries have been quite useful. Answers from him this month can be viewed through the links given below.
597  |   607  |   618  |   619  |   622

India Water Portal is proud to announce Prof. (Dr) A.K. Susheela, Dr. Khajanchi Lal and Mr. Anil Kumar Singla as the Star Respondents of April 2009! Publications or gift cheque worth Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

In this month, we would like to highlight responses to an important query - “Optimizing Water Use & Reducing Costs - Advice Needed!: Chennai. Tamilnadu” - as responses to note..

India Water Portal and WES- Net thank all the experts participating in the forum for their active and continued support.

May 09

askMr. Sekhar Raghavan has been actively contributing to queries related to rain water harvesting aspects. A very detailed and useful response from him in this month is given below.

Mr. Nazimuddin’s responses to the queries related to waste water treatment in the AAQ forum have always been very useful. The answer from him this month can be accessed through the links given below.

India Water Portal is proud to announce Mr. Sekhar Raghavan and Mr. Nazimuddin as the Star Respondents of May 2009! Publications or gift cheque worth Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

We are also proud to highlight the contributions from Dr. Sam Godfrey who has provided a notable response in this month.

Response from them can be accessed below;
Dr. Sam Godfrey

India Water Portal and WES- Net thank all the experts participating in the forum for their active and continued support.

March 09

askMr. D. Chakraborty has been a regular contributor to the forum on ground water related queries. Suggestions provided by him to the problems raised in the forum have been quite valuable. Following are some of the responses he has contributed this month.
557  |   574  |   576  |   506  |  

Dr. Rajnarayan Indu’s responses to the queries in the AAQ forum have always been very useful. The answer from him this month can be accessed through the links given below.


India Water Portal is proud to announce Mr.D. Chakraborty and Dr. Rajnarayan Indu as the Star Respondents of March 2009! Publications or gift cheque worth Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

We are also proud to highlight the contributions from Dr.Leela Iyengar, Mr.Sandeepan Chowdhury and Mr.Mangalam Sankaranarayanan who have provided notable responses in this month.

Response from them can be accessed below;
Dr. Leela Iyengar
Mr. SandeepanChowdhury
Mr. Mangalam Sankaranarayanan

India Water Portal and WES- Net thank all the respondents for their active participation in the forum.

February 09

askDr.M.Thangarajan has been very actively contributing to the forum on ground water related queries. His practical suggestions to the problems raised in the forum have been quite valuable. Following are some of the responses he has contributed this month.
523  |   527  |   532  |   531  |   535  |   536

Mr. Chetan Pandit’s answers to the AAQ forum have always been very thought provoking. Some of the answers from him this month can be accessed through the links given below.

522  |   537

Mr. Sandeepan Choudhury’s answers related to hydrology and drinking water issues have been quite useful. Answers from him this month can be viewed through the links given below.

550  |   554

India Water Portal is proud to announce Dr.M.Thangarajan, Mr. Chetan Pandit and Mr. Sandeepan Choudhury as the Star Respondents of February 2009! Publications or gift cheque worth Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

We are also proud to highlight the contributions of Dr. Anil Lalwani, Mr. A.Rajamohamed Ambalam and Dr.R. Jagadiswara Rao who have been showering with advices to queries in this month.

India Water Portal and WES- Net thank all the respondents for their active participation in the forum.

January 08

ask Mr. Diponkar Bordoloi has been an active in the forum. This month he has answered to 4 queries in the areas of drinking water supply. The following are the links to his answers!
500  |   504  |   507  |   506  |  

Mr.S.S.Ranganathan's responses to queries related wastewater treatment has been very useful. His practical suggestions to the problems raised in the forum have been quite valuable. The following are some of the responses from him this month

485  |   498  |   492  |   502  |   508  |   507  |   506  |   515  |   510  |   517  |   518

India Water Portal is proud to announce Mr. Diponkar Bordoloi Mr.S.S.Ranganathan as the Star Respondents of January 2009! Publications or gift cheque worth Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

We are also proud to highlight answers from Dr. Indumathi M. Nambi, Savitha Jayakrishna & Ashish as responses to note!

Dr. Indumathi M. Nambi's response here

Savitha Jayakrishna's & Ashish Fernandes's response here

India Water Portal and WES- Net thank all the respondents for their active participation in the forum.

December 08

ask Dr.Anil Lalwani has been an active contributor to AAQ forum. In the month of December, he has answered 8 queries in the areas of ground water exploration and waste water treatment. The following are the links to his answers!
466  |   462  |   464  |   471  |   473  |   482  |   484  |   489

Dr.S.Sundaramoorthy's responses to queries related wastewater treatment has been very useful. His practical suggestions to the problems raised in the forum have been quite valuable. The following are some of the responses from him this month.

460  |   474  |   476  |   483

India Water Portal is proud to announce Dr.Anil Lalwani and Dr.S.Sundaramoorthy as the Star Respondents of December 2008! Publications or gift cheque worth Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

We are also proud to highlight answers from Mr.Nazimuddin Ms. Chitra and Dr.R. Jagadiswara Rao as responses to note!

Mr. Nazimuddin's response here

Ms. Chitra's response here

R. Jagadiswara Rao's response here

India Water Portal thanks WES- Net and all the respondents for the continued success of the AAQ forum and encourages further participation.

November 08

ask Contributions of Ms.M. V. ShashiRekha to AAQ have been quite valuable and enriching. In the month of November, she has provided 3 answers on AAQ. The following are the links to her answers!
444  |   443  |   440

Dr Uday Bhawalkar's responses to queries related wastewater treatment has been very useful. His prescriptions of relaying on natural ways of remediation have quite valuable. The following are some of the responses from him this month.
444  |   443  |   440

India Water Portal is proud to announce Ms.M. V. ShashiRekha and Dr Uday Bhawalkar as the winners of the Star Respondents of November 2008! Publications or gift cheque worth Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

We are also proud to highlight answers from Rachel Lambert, M.N. Thippeswamy and R. Jagadiswara Rao as responses to note!

Rachel Lambert's response here

Mr. M.N. Thippeswamy's response here

R. Jagadiswara Rao's response here

October 08 : Mr. Ajit Seshadri has been a regular on AAQ, and has provided expert advice from his wide ranging experience. In the month of June he has provided 11 answers on AAQ. The following links lead to his answers!
261  |   262  |   264  |   265  |   267  |   268  |   269  |   274  |   275
283  |   285

Mr. Subroto has given a comprehensive answer to a specialized query regarding restoration of rivers. Access his answer here!

India Water Portal is proud to announce Mr. Ajit Seshadri and Mr. Subroto as the winners of the Star Respondents of June 2008! A gift cheque of Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

We are also proud to highlight answers from Nico van leeuwen, and Prof. Hoenig as responses to note!

Nico van Leeuwen response here

Prof Hoenig response here

India Water Portal thanks WES- Net and all the respondents for the continued success of the AAQ forum and encourages further participation!

May 08 : Dr. Rao has been a veteran supporter of the AAQ forum. During the month of May he undertook an active participation in the working of the forum contributing about 18 answers under different heads. Links to Dr. Rao's Responses:
224  |   225  |   226  |   227  |   230  |   231  |   235  |   236  |   238
217  |   249  |   247  |   250  |   246  |   248  |   253  |   254  |   258

Mr. Ranganathan, Advisor to Ion Exchange based in Bangalore has taken a keen interest in contributing to the forum with precise answers and clear cut replies to doubts ranging from devices to consultancy.
225  |   235  |   247  |   257  |   255

India Water Portal is happy to announce Dr. Rao and Mr. Ranganathan as the winners of the Star Respondents of May 2008! A gift cheque of Rs. 500/- each will be awarded to them as a gesture of recognition to the quality support rendered by them to the forum!

Also Sudhindra Mohan Sharma for the open interaction and providing an appropriate response here.

And Murray. F. Arnold for the soak pit trouble shooting answer that he provided here.

Have been chosen as "Honourable Mentions" for the month of May 2008!

Apr 08 : On April 3rd, the admin service of the AAQ service was kept busy, Mr. Taral Kumar posted eight answers in that single day dealing with a wide range of issues from Silica damage to RO membranes to ETP systems troubleshooting. For his commitment to the service and his incisive and focused answers India Water Portal is happy to declare Mr. Taral Kumar as the winner for April'08.

Mr. Taral Kumar is an industrialist (Akar Impex) based in Delhi with a strong interest in social issues. For some of Mr.Taral Kumar's responses try the following links: 182  |   180  |   184  |   178  |   193  |   197  |   203
Mar 08 : Mr. Chetan Pandit as the winner for March'08, for his 2 responses to the RO: Boon or Bane discussion.

Feb 08 : Dr.R.Jagadiswara Rao as the first awardee of a gift check for Rs 500/- for the several useful answers he provided in February.

Dec 07/Jan 08 : Mr. Taral Kumar (Akar Impex), Mr S.S.Ranganathan (Advisor, Ion Exchange) and Dr. Jagadiswara Rao (retd. Professor)
