
India's first soil moisture map out
News this week Posted on 10 Oct, 2018 11:37 AM

India gets its first soil moisture map developed using hydrological model

Soil moisture plays an important role in agriculture. (Source: IWP Flickr photo)
Uttarakhand finally recognises the land rights of three villages displaced by Tehri dam
Policy matters this week Posted on 01 Dec, 2015 08:44 PM

Three villages displaced by Tehri dam finally recognised as revenue villages

Tehri dam in the lean season (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
The Ganga has its own website!
News this week Posted on 15 Sep, 2014 09:36 PM

Water Ministry launches a portal on the Ganga river

Ganga river at Kaudiyala
Water News: 2013 in review
Beginning with the Kumbh Mela and moving on to natural disasters like the floods in Uttarakhand and the cyclone in eastern India, water made big news throughout 2013. Posted on 06 Jan, 2014 12:16 PM

Kumbh Mela left its trash behind

Shiva statue, Kedarnath (Source: ibtimes.co.uk)
Tehri dam nears danger mark
News this week - Tehri dam nears danger mark, Supreme Court stops dams in Uttarakhand and Maharashtra allows coal mining near rivers Posted on 19 Aug, 2013 02:33 AM

Water level in Tehri dam near danger mark

Tehri dam in lean season
Forced displacement: A gendered analysis of the Tehri dam project, Uttarakhand - An article in EPW
This paper by Vandana Asthana in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) examines the lived experiences of displaced women based on the empirical findings of research that looks at women displaced by the construction of the Tehri Dam and their relocation elsewhere. Posted on 10 Jan, 2013 08:18 PM

This paper by Vandana Asthana in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) examines the lived experiences of displaced women based on the empirical findings of research that looks at women displaced by the construction of the Tehri Dam and their relocation elsewhere.

Water quality of the Bhagirathi, Ganga in the Himalayan region: A study by NEERI
This study of the water quality of the Ganga was commissioned after the construction of the Tehri Dam. It acknowledges that most people in India have a belief that water from the Ganga has bactericidal properties and this might be affected by the dam. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) was retained by the Tehri Hydro Development Corporation Limited (THDC) to investigate any impact that the Tehri Dam might have on the water quality of the Ganga. This report presents the results of that investigation. Posted on 19 May, 2012 05:00 PM

View of the Bhagirathi near Dharali, seen as a valley bound by snowy peaksThe Bhagirathi in its upper reaches, here seen near Dharali (Photo: Chicu Lokgariwar)

Building the Tehri Dam in India - A video from EarthReport
The Tehri Dam was commissioned in 1972, promising to provide electricity to Indians in the Northern States, drinking water and irrigation. Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 03:55 PM

Building the Tehri Dam in India - 
