Khandwa (East Nimar) District

Compensate affected farmers: HC to Narmada Authority
Policy matters this week Posted on 30 Jun, 2014 09:07 AM

High Court raps Narmada Authority over incomplete canal work

State of an irrigation canal at Khargone district
The Jalsatyagraha of the evicted of Indrasagar and Omkareshwar dam
Villagers in six villages protest standing in water in their fight for Land-for-Land compensation from the government. Posted on 16 Sep, 2013 12:12 PM

Oustees of the Indrasagar and Omkareshwar dam protest in six villages in Madhya Pradesh protest in the form of Jalsatyagraha (mode of Satyagragha is by standing in water). This protest that began on 1st of September is spread across the three districts of Harda, Khanda and Dewas when the backwater that submerged the land of 254 villages caused displacement of 50,000 families.

200-crore penalty for Adani's Mundra port
News this week: 200-crore penalty on Mundra port, Parliament passes Land Acquisition Bill and dengue spreads in Mumbai. Posted on 08 Sep, 2013 07:32 PM


200-crore penalty for Adani's Mundra port

Land reclaimation from the sea at the Mundra Port
Residents of Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh, resist public private partnership in their water supply project- A press release by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra
With no single example across the world to cite for successful model of water privatisation, the irony remains that it continues to grow in developing countries. India is witnessing a range of private sector participation in various water schemes, these come under different forms and shapes but the motive remains the same- make profit out water.
Almost all privatisation endeavor in water sector has met with obstacles, Khandwa is no exception! The teething problem of the project doesn't appear to settle as the rising discontent and resistance among people continues to grow.
Posted on 20 Mar, 2013 09:58 AM

The bad track record of the public sector to provide water has increasingly led to private sector participation in water supply system. The proponents of privatization state that private sector would increase efficiency, bring adequate finance and help build the infrastructure that is required to run the utilities properly in an effective manner.

Privatisation of urban water supply in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh - An update from Manthan Adyayan Kendra
Khandwa is a medium-sized town located in western Madhya Pradesh. The 'Khandwa water supply augmentation project' has been awarded to Vishwa Utilities Pvt. Ltd., a Hyderabad based company under the Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) on a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) basis for water supply augmentation to the town, for the next 25 years. The project has been under execution since October 2009. The private party would supply water to the town @ Rs 11.95 per KL. The raw water for this would be pumped from a reservoir 51 km, away from the town. This report by Gaurav Dwivedi and Rehmat, Manthan Adhyayan Kendra deals with the privatisation of urban water supply in the town. Posted on 09 May, 2012 09:53 AM

Startling conditionalities
