East Delhi District

Delhi’s e-waste problem
Toxic heavy metals from electronic waste piles in Delhi contaminate groundwater and soil. Posted on 21 Jan, 2018 08:49 AM

Widespread use of digital devices--mobile phones, tablets, computers, smart watches and more--has made electronic waste a new environmental problem. Discarded gadgets result in massive piles of e-waste, which is contaminating soil and groundwater in the national capital, a new study has pointed out. 

Heavy metals from e-waste leach into the ground polluting the groundwater and soil.
No more dam approvals until e-flow report is out: Water Ministry
Policy matters this week Posted on 07 Sep, 2015 09:35 PM

No approval of dams until e-flow report is out: Water Ministry to CWC

Kelo dam near Raigarh (Source: India Water Portal Flickr Photos)
NGT quashes environment clearance to 10 irrigation projects in Maharashtra and Karnataka
Policy matters this week Posted on 13 Jul, 2015 09:57 PM

NGT cancels MoEF's go ahead to 10 irrigation projects 

Irrigation Canal taking off from the Bhima Dam (Source: Nvvchar on Wikipedia)
Raising Sardar Sarovar Dam height would be disastrous: Committee
News this week Posted on 16 Jun, 2015 11:16 AM

Committee warns against raising Sardar Sarovar Dam height

Sardar Sarovar Dam (Source: Shahakshay, Wikipedia)