Ahmednagar District

Using music to build water positive villages
A campaign tries to make watershed development work a citizens movement. Posted on 24 Mar, 2020 10:19 AM

An inspiration called Kumbharwadi in the rain-shadow region of Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra is one of the many successful stories of water stressed villages that were transformed by Paani Ka Teeka’s knowledge partner – Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), a Pune based non-profit.

Kumbharwadi in 1998 - A bleak scenario

Women drawing water from a village well. Prior to watershed development and integrated water management, scarcity of water was a way of life for the people of Kumbharwadi (Image: WOTR)
Quenching thirst and poverty in cities--with sugarcane juice
Two cane juice sellers on the streets of Pune tell their stories. Why do they labour all day for Rs 500 on a good day, and what do they hope--for themselves and their children? Posted on 18 Apr, 2016 11:06 PM

What's not to like about sugarcane juice in summer? Would you drink as much of it or more if you knew that those selling it in Pune where I live, are people who have migrated temporarily from drought-affected villages in rural Maharashtra, and are counting on juice sales to get through the whole year?

Mobile sugarcane crushing carts on the streets of Pune (Source: India Water Portal)
Local weather stations greatly improve local crop production
Area- and crop-customised agro-advisories in Sangamner taluka of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, have helped farmers deal with weather-based events and minimise their related losses. Posted on 19 Nov, 2014 05:06 PM

“In gram crops to control gram-pod borers, use pheromone traps”. While a statement like that most likely won't make sense to average people, it does to the farming community in the Sangamner taluka of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. They have been trained to make sense of the agro-advisory provided by Vasundhara Sewaks.

Onion seeds in farms (Source: WOTR)
Drought-free in Maharashtra – six small villages, one big lesson
Awareness and community-level action are key to the success of any initiative; these six villages in Maharashtra are testimony to that. Posted on 10 Jun, 2013 02:09 PM

Maharashtra is reeling under a drought – one of the worst in the last 40 years. The state declared drought in 125 out of 358 talukas during kharif 2012-13, and then declared water scarcity in 3,905 villages in rabi 2012-13.

Satchiwadi village used less groundwater this year
Rare floral diversity in the Western Ghats forests
Many plants are in equal danger of becoming as extinct as some animals. Does anyone care? Posted on 03 May, 2013 02:29 PM

A fluttering butterfly or a dashing cheetah immediately bring vivid images to mind. Does the image of a plant stir us as much? Are we as fascinated watching a flower bloom? Probably not. Maybe that’s why there is such a large focus on endangered animals and birds and not so much on plant species that are dying out.

Assessing vulnerability to climate change in development planning, Watershed Organisation Trust, Sangamner, Ahmednagar, March 5-8, 2013
Posted on 28 Feb, 2013 09:35 PM



Watershed Training Centre, Darewadi village,  Sangamner, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

Battle for water: A video on the daily struggle of rural India for water
A film documenting the daily trials and struggles of villagers across the country for water. Posted on 22 Jan, 2013 08:47 PM


Transformation of a landscape from a desert to replenished watershed in Kaluchi Thakarwadi, Maharashtra- Special edition on "Combating desertification" by Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) India
The sprawling economic development and constant consumption of land resources in an unsustainable manner has come with a big price- degradation of land. The major causes for this can be attributed to industrial pollution, over grazing by animals, deforestation and careless management of forests and it rich and diverse resources and excessive mining. The impact is severe on ecologically fragile and dryland areas which often drives small farmers out from agriculture. Posted on 08 Jan, 2013 09:21 PM

Watershed Organisation Trust invites applications for its Technical Training in Watershed Management, August 7-10, 2012, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra
Posted on 23 Jul, 2012 05:11 PM

Organiser: Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)

Venue:   Watershed Training Centre
                    Village Darewadi,
                    Taluka Sangamner,
                    Ahmednagar, Maharashtra


WOTR is a not-for-profit NGO founded in 1993 operating currently in five 5 Indian states – Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jharkhand. WOTR provides capacity building and advisory services to developmental practitioners from 23 other Indian states as well as, occasionally, from 27 countries.

Adaptive sustainable agriculture: Crop system intensification in Andhra Pradesh
Along with the soil and water conservation programmes, promotion of agricultural techniques and practices is equally important in sustaining the livelihoods of the people in the long term. All too often, market considerations exert undue pressure on the agricultural practices, which in turn affect the production base and cause irreversible imbalances in the eco system. This report by WOTR deals with the issue. Posted on 30 Apr, 2012 07:01 PM

WOTR has been extensively promoting sustainable agriculture practices as part of its adaptive sustainable development approach.  The objective is to promote low external inputs, increase land productivity, use of indigenous seeds, and reduce cost of cultivation.
