Would like to meet NGOs in Bangalore working on water issues & visit a drought-stricken area or village if possible - Contacts?

Dear India Water Portal,

I'm an Australian literary programmer and am bringing 6 writers around south India by train in November (3 Australian and 3 Indian) over a
3-week period. We will be looking at some of the key issues facing India today.

We'll be stopping in Bangalore, and would love to meet up with a local NGO focused on water issues, to talk with them at length if possible, and visit a drought-stricken area or village, with a view to our writers producing articles based on this experience.

If you could provide me with contact details for any relevant individuals / organizations I'd be very grateful.

Also, I'll be visiting Bangalore in person late next week, and wonder if I could possibly meet with someone from your organization to discuss this further?

With best wishes,
