Would like to apply for CV Raman international fellowship for African researcher - Want to know if your organisation can host me

Good Day!

I'm Professor Nou-Eddine LAFTOUHI fom Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech, Morocco. I wish to apply for a CV Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers. I would really appreciate if your institution could host me. If it is possible, could you please send me an invitation letter and a hosting statement.

Dr. Nour-Eddine LAFTOUHI,

Professeur Hydrogéologue Département de Géologie, Fac. Sciences Semlalia, Department of Earth Sciences Semlalia/ Faculty of Sciences Semlalia Directeur du Labo GEOHYD / Head of the GEOHYD Lab.

BP. 2390 Marrakech 40000 MAROC

Tel. +212 524 43 46 49 (460)/ Fax. +212 524 43 67 69 E-mail: noureddine.laftouhi@ucam.ac.ma, laftouhi@gmail.com
