Request for sharing of ideas for conducting research on a well constructed on a hill top

Dear India Water Portal,

I am a landscape historian based in Delhi, and have been asked to help work out the purpose of a well structure on top of a hill.

It has been discovered during maintenance work at a park around a natural reservoir. The shaft is about 32 feet deep and about 5 feet in diameter. It consists of beautifully-laid rounded stones, with a single course of brick at the top to retain a bluestone cap. The top of the well is about 22 inches below the present surface of the park. There is a brick structure at the bottom, and a broken-off pipe coming in from one side. The well contains no water. I have photos that I can share.

We think it is from early 20th century, but can find no records of its creation or use. It seems odd to sink a well for water collection so close to a reservoir. Maybe it is for storm water management rather than water collection, but then why build it on the highest point?

The well is not in India, but I am hoping the same principles apply to wells anywhere. Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions for further research much appreciated. It is a beautiful old structure and it would be wonderful to understand its original purpose.  

