What should be the distance between two borewells - Are there any laws or rules concerning the same in Andhra Pradesh?

Respected Sir,

I am Saya Reddy, a former of Ummeda Village, Nandipet mdl, Nizamabad dist. 20 years back we dug a borewell in front of my home. We got 2 inches water. We have two acres of land near my home. We have inserted a pipeline from my home to my land for agricultural use. We are cultivating this land for the past 20 years through pipeline.

Recently my neighbour dug a borewell near my borewell. It is just 30 metres from my borewell. He fitted a big submersible pump and is using that for agriculture. So my bore is now empty. Kindly give me valuable suggestions to deal with the situation. What are the rules and acts that pertain to this issue? What should the distance be between 2 borewells according to A.P. laws and rules? Kindly give me legal advice to seize the borewell.

B Saya Reddy, Ummeda, Nandipet,
Nizamabad, A.P.,503212.
