What has to considered while installing a submersible pump for domestic use in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh ?

Due to the ongoing water supply problems, I have decided to get a Submersible installed for my household. To start with, I had no idea about submersibles. My purposes of getting a submersible are as follows: -

  1. Anytime water supply.
  2. High pressure and volume to clean the vehicles and water the plants, etc.

After a word with few people, I have the following info:

  1. I shall get the boring done up to 250 feet for clean water as well as for no worry about the fall in water levels for a long time. (Usually, people in my area have got the boring done between 180 to 220 feet).
  2. A 1.5 BHP motor with 12 stages would suffice.

After further research on my own, I have the following questions: -

  1. Will 250 feet boring be sufficient?
  2. Will 1.5 BHP 12 Stage submersible be sufficient?
  3. What is the difference between a Submersible Pump and Submersible Motor?

(Source: http://www.varunapumps.com/submersible_pumps.htm)

  1. Keeping in mind the economy and quality, which is the best motor brand to go for?

(I have been recommended Varuna with the specs mentioned above. Others are Oswal, Crompton Greaves.)

  1. Is there any recommended specification for security, quality, and brand for wiring from Panel to Motor?
  2. What is the difference between Screen, Casing and Rising Main pipes listed at http://www.princepipes.com/products.php?pr_pro=9 and which one should I go for?

I would be highly grateful if someone can answer my questions and guide me accordingly. Thanks in advance.


