What does 'inches' mean when it comes to borewell yield? How do I know if the yield test is being done correctly in Bangalore?


We have recently got a borewell dug in Indiranagar. The depth is 760 feet with 80 feet casing. While the borewell people insist the yield is 1.5 inches, we took a second opinion from someone we know who said that there is no water in this spot. This was later confirmed by a diviner too. Apparently the water that was coming out at the time of drilling was what the borewell people were pumping in during the process. We are stuck between what the borewell people tell us and what a trusted friend and the diviner tell us. So, we have decided to check the yield. 

My question is, how do I as a lay person understand what the yield is when they tell me. What do 'inches' mean here? How do I know they are doing the yield test correctly? How will I know whether or not this borewell is worth keeping?

Thank you
