What are the possible alternatives to Reverse Osmosis(RO)based systems? Can we use STP treated water for groundwater recharge?


I have the following queries:

1. Water treatment queries
a) In a site where the TDS level is high for water from the borewell (more than the 500mg/l compared to the permissible limits), I've come to learn that reverse osmosis (RO) based systems are the only ones effective enough to remove TDS content and bring it to a permissible level. Are there any other effective methods of water treatment? I am asking this because I know that RO systems generate a lot of reject water.
b) For a fairly normal quality borewell water, what would be the best type of water treatment system?

2. Sewage treatment plant (STP) query
Can we use STP treated water for groundwater recharge by just simply allowing it to percolate into the ground? Are there any harmful effects? If not, what can we do with the STP treated water?? (other than landscaping and flushing requirements)
Eg: We have a 40 KLD plant, and we are using only 20 KLD. What do we do with the rest of the 20 KLD??
