"A Well Within" water campaign seeks partnerships with organizations

Greetings, I hope this email finds you well. I'm an artistic activist who is apart of an amazing project which has just started its campaign called, "A Well Within".

The short synopsis is that this project is a travelling art installation/short film, which will be touring America, educating Americans on the drought and clean water crisis currently happening in Africa. The protagonist of the short film/installation is modelled after a very strong female archetype in my own life, and this project is also going to educate audiences on the growing water crisis developing right here on U.S. soil.

Our aim in reaching out to you is simple: It takes a village to raise a campaign. Hence, we sincerely hope to collaborate and see how we can equally get out your organization/forum's message as well. We would sincerely appreciate any press you could do on the project, as we've just launched our fundraising campaign yesterday. We'd also love to talk about partnership efforts, so we too can highlight your cause through our social networking base as well. We are ready to open up a discussion with your organization in seeing how we can mutually benefit one another in effort to continue educating audiences worldwide about this VERY REAL GLOBAL WATER CRISIS.

If this is of interest to you, we'd also love to put your organizations/blog logo in our growing "partnerships" section and etch your organization's name as contributors into the Installation itself (Wall of Gratitude). We will be touring the country in 2013, starting with the premier at SXSW in Austin, Texas. This is a very real and sincere campaign, backed by 501c3 representative, Fractured Atlas.

We hope you take the time to review our sites and lend some feedback. We are all in this together and should support one another. Have a look at the project on these sites.

Click here to visit our site

Click here to know more

We look forward to your response.

Please don't hesitate to touch base with any questions.
