Water test report provided: Is the borewell water potable or treatment is required?

The following are the parameters of the a water sample from the borewell.

pH at 25 degree C: 7.80
Total Suspended Solids : Nil
Total Dissolved Solids 180 degree C: 1740
Iron as Fe : <.01
Total Hardness as CaCo3 : 560ppm
MG++ hardness CaCo3 : 210 ppm
CA++ hardness CaCo3 : 350 ppm
Calcium ion  : 140 ppm
MG++     : 50.9 ppm
Na+      : 418 ppm
Total alkalinity CaCo3 80 ppm;
P.alkalinity as CaCo3 : Nil
Bicarbonate alkalinity CaCo3 : 80 ppm
Chloride Cl-: 510ppm
Fluoride F-: .38
Sulphate SO4 : 218 ppm
Silica as SIO2 : <.01
Sodium as Na : 418.

My questions are as follows:
1. Is it safe for all usage including drinking or  general usage other than drinking?
2. What effect would it have on the fitted GI water pipelines, any chance of  the lines being choked soon due to use of this water?
3. Kindly suggest if a water softener is required?

Rakesh Bairaria
User email: rbairaria@gmail.com
