Water quality data at panchayat level in Vizhinjam, Kerala : Need secondary data collection sources & contacts

I am currenly studying for MSc applied geography in Madras university. I am doing a dissertation on sanitation and its impact on health as part of our syllabus. The project which i have selected is "Assessing the Sanitation and Health facilities in Vizhinjam Panchayat in Kerala".

One of the objectives of my study is to analyse the water quality (well and pipe water). For fulfilling the other objectives I am doing detailed field survey with questionnaires. As I have to complete this project within two months I wont be able to collect all the data regarding water quality. Is there a method to gather data regarding water quality at the panchayath level? Do agencies release secondary data, if so what are the conditions to be fulfilled? Are there any contacts / resource persons working in the field who can help me?

