Water needs to be pumped from bore well to underground tank in a house in Bangalore, Karnataka : Need an efficient pump selection

A borewell has been dug on March 1, 2011 in whitefield region, Bangalore. 941 ft depth, static water level 850 ft, source 900 ft 3" water. {Airline method of test)
It has a yield of 1500 GPH, dia of well is 6 1/2", water source is at 900 ft 3" water.

Casing - 92 ft (MS casing pipe) - 40ft 10" pvc pipe installed, colar 5 , cap 1

Bit 1 12" till 40 ft

Bit 2 9" 40-92 ft

Bit 3 6 and half inches 92-941 ft

I want to know what HP pump should be selected for the above bore.

The pumping needs to be done to another tank below ground level some 25 meters away from the bore. Seperate pumps are already there for pumping and distributing water from this underground tank.


