Water meters & intermittent supply in Ahmedabad, Gujarat : Need technology for error free metering

I am a student of CEPT University, Ahmedabad, School of Planning. I have a query regarding  the Urban Water Supply. I wish to know out of my inquisitiveness whether it is possible to meter the water connections in spite of having intermittent supply?

This query has stemmed from my understanding that we need 24 hours water supply if at all we want to efficiently meter the connections to keep a check on the usage. In intermittent supply during the non-flow hours the meter keeps ticking due to air flow within the pipe. Is this an issue to be concerned of? We wanted to propose the metering of water connections in a city which does not have enough resources to upgrade to 24x7 supply.

Kindly suggest how can we keep a check on consumption if we cannot meter them and if we can meter them what is the appropriate technology to do so in an error free manner?

 Abhinav Goyal
