Water hardness assessment issues in Bangalore, Karnataka - Advice required

Hi Experts,

We recently shifted toan apartment in Bangalore situated in Kundelhalli. The ground water is very hard in this area and the builder has installed a water softener plant. But we had not observed any major change in taste of the supplied water from the plant, even a water purifier company salesman measured the TDS value of the supplied water at around 800.

We contacted the apartment maintenance department and they measured the CaCO3 ppm of the water using an ion-exchange test kit. Samples were taken of the input, output from the filter plant and in apartment. In all the samples the CaCO3 ppm was around 400ppm, which we found surprising as the plant does not seem to be doing anything.

Maintenance person in response told us that the filter has to be recharged with salts everyday which is done at 5:30 AM in morning. They said that they have measure the ppm value to be around 50-75ppm around that time and perhaps by the time we had measured the samples, around 12:00 PM in afternoon, the filter needs to be recharged again. They said that they are going to check the water samples at different times to check where the filter capability reduces.

I have couple of questions on this:

1. Can you please confirm if the above argument by the maintenance team is techinically correct and if yes, then what steps should be taken to mitigate this?

2. The water testing kit just measure the CaCO3 contents, while the TDS measuring device gave a reading of 800ppm, so should we take the CaCO3 content as the basis of measurement or the overall TDS ?


We will be grateful if any of the experts can help us on this.


Best regards,

