Water-borne disease in Chirang district, Assam - Advice needed on treatment and prevention of the disease in the affected areas


In three villages under Chirang district of Assam, there is reported to be an outbreak of a particular disease, the correct diagnosis of which is yet to be completed. However the prima facie symptoms suggest that it is an water related / borne disease.

The affected people suffers from swelling of legs, irrespective of their age / gender / economic condition. Such swelling normally occurs in the portion below knee, without any itching or so. Moreover they are not permanent, sometimes it subsides and again reappears after a certain period of time. Another important observation by the rural people is that the body colour of person, affected by swelling of legs, becomes a little darker than that in normal time. The notable fact is that the affected villages are reported to be malaria prone due to the environmental dampness.

The drinking water sources in the affected villages are basically Ring Well (Dug Well) and hand pumps (partially). It is also reported to be observed that majority of the affected people use water from Ring Well as drinking water.

At present all concerned are in a fix for appropriate course of action. The testing and analysis of water samples from drinking water sources is being undertaken for different water quality parameters (physico-chemical). However, is there any clue that testing and analysis should be carried out for any particular chemical (any heavy Metal / harmful compound). One point may perhaps be worth mentioning here that large scale agricultural farming of Rabi Crops is reported to be existed in nearby areas of the affected villages, wherein chemical fertilizers / pesticides are rampantly used.

Is it a case of Filariasis (Elephantiasis) or any type of water retention or Oedema or any thing else ……………………..???

However with my limited knowledge, I have already advised for the affected areas to ensure ….

  1. all efforts from PHED for disinfections of all drinking water sources.

  2. Awareness generation on

    1. use of mosquito net

    2. Destroying mosquito breeding places.

    3. Personal hygiene and Environmental cleanliness.

    4. Use of boiled water (after cooling) for drinking & bathing.

  3. Consumption of 8-10 cloves of garlic daily as antioxidant.

May I request all expects in this field to share their view and to suggest accordingly.


Nripendra Kumar Sarma
Public Health Engineering Department, Assam
