Water from borewell in Hyderabad is frothy and smells bad - Dug new bore 5 ft away, same problem - Please suggest a solution

Dear Sir,

1. I live in Hyderabad. I had a borewell 4 1/2 dia of about 100 feet depth with casing upto 60 feet. The place where I stay was earlier an agricultural area where crops used to be raised. Soil is black cotton soil. Water is in abundance. Water was struck in the borewell at about 15 feet level. However I went up to 100 feet. This was in 2002.

However, in 2009, the water from the borewell turned blackish, full of froth and had a dirty smell. Under advise from the local borewell agents, I got the bore flushed a couple of times. But things did not improve. I therefore installed another additional casing 2" dia inside the original casing. But it did not work either. Though the water was flushed out, the problem was not solved.

When I checked up with other so called experts, some opined that the water got contaminated by sewage water. There is an open sewage passing around 50 feet away from the borewell. Some others said that maybe there is gas formation in the borewell. Can you please give your opinion.

2. I have abandoned the borewell and have dug another borewell about 5 feet away from the original one in 2009. The new borewell is 150 feet deep with 41/2 casing upto 100 feet. The water is now coming with lot of bubbles (frothy) and smells of some medicinal plant, something like Amrutanjan and there are traces of oil flakes in the overhead tank where the water is pumped.

Is the new borewell also going the same way as the first one? If so, how can I ensure that the borewell is not polluted? How do I hyperchlorinate the borewell? Is there a possibility of contamination of the new borewell through the abandoned borewell? Is it advisable to pack the old borewell?

I shall be glad to have your response.

Thank you,

M.S.Nithyanandam (9989056873)
