Want to discuss plan of action, to get communities suffering from water crisis to use rainwater harvesting & filtration systems

Hi India Water Portal!

My name is Jared Tringale, co-founder of WaterPort, a Syracuse University based start-up that is putting the finishing touches on our rainwater harvesting and filtration system.

For every inch of rain falling over a waterport system with a 200 sq. ft. roof catchment area, our system will be able to provide 120 gallons of purified drinking water. Our system is very unique and does not require pre-existing infrastructure such as plumbing or electrical grids. This allows our system to be placed in extremely remote, undeveloped, and off the grid locations and still function, as long as there is sunshine!

Although we are still in the final stages of completing our prototype, and hard at work in the process of fundraising, we have made great progress. We have contacts in both Ghana and Mexico with extraordinary demand, waiting for our system to be completely built, tested, and delivered.
Our prototype's multi-stage filtration system will be able to eliminate waterborne diseases, such as cholera, from the rainwater harvested beneath its roof, ensuring the health of your people, and many many other communities in need around the globe.

We would very much like to stay in contact as we perfect our technology! And hopefully discuss a plan of action to get our systems into communities who are suffering!

We hope to hear back from you soon!

