Want to buy RO+UV water purifier in Ghaziabad - Please tell me about TDS controllers and plastic storage tanks for home use

I am planning to buy a water purification system as the location I am moving (Indirapuram, Ghaziabad) has very high TDS (>1500). I may again move in a year time to Gurgaon where TDS is not a problem (200-400). So, I want to buy a RO+UV purification system which can be suitable for both the places.

I need UV purification as my mother is very sensitive to contamination in water. Please suggest what are the options with me? One water purifier brand says that they have TDS controller but in the drawing, this controller is fitted after RO filter. Can anyone explain how the TDS controller works? Is the TDS controller only a marketing gimmick? Is it true if an RO purifier which reduce the TDS to 90% (from 1500 to 150) for high TDS water will also reduce the TDS to same 90% (200 to 20) to low TDS water?

I also have question regarding storage tank. Though, all the water purifier manufacturers claim that they use plastic in storage tank which is very safe, I am still concerned. Is it really safe to store water in plastic tank for long time?

Another query is related to re-contamination of stored water after purification. For this one brand has model which re-circulate the stored water through UV after every 6 hours. Is it a good solution to maintain the purity of water?

