Use of well water for all purposes other than drinking - Lab tests reveal bacterial content

Dear Experts,

We are an apartment complex with 200 houses and our main source of water is a well ( 100yrs old). Recently we saw drainage leak in some near by areas. Then we pumped out the well water and after 5 days send the water for testing in an approved Lab. The result are

  1. Total Coliform / 100 ml- 220
  2. Faecal Coli/100 ml       - 110
  3. E Coli / 100 ml            -70
  4. Faecal Stretococi         - Present
  5. BOD 3days/27C           - Below Detectable Level ( Dectable Level is 10)
  6. COD                           - B.D.L.

Please guide us whether we can use this water for other than drinking purposes like washing kitchen utensils, mouth gargling, bathing, and dress washing.

Best Regards,




