Use of excess STP treated water in an apartment with 330 flats in Bangalore, Karnataka - Can it be used in the RWH system or storm water drain?

We are an apartment complex of 330 flats. We have a STP and the treated water is being used for gardening and flush tanks. We don't have any under ground drainage system around our apartment complex. Currently we are sending the excess of treated water to an external agency through tankers. We are finding that very expensive. Our STP maintenance vendor is suggesting us to go for a PIT of 2 feet diameter and 15 feet depth and pour the water there. We need expert advice on this part. Is it ok to drain the excess of STP treated water into a PIT Will it not spoil the ground water table? Is it correct to drain this exces water through our RWH system.

As per KSPCB, is it legal to drain the excess of STP water through the storm water drain running in front of our apartment complex?



