Is usage of activated carbon filter in sewage treatment plant recommended?

Dear Sir,

I live in an apartment which has 85 flats. We have an STP unit in our apartment, however, the builder has not connected the STP unit to the flush/commode lines. Till now the STP output has been primarily used for gardening. The residents have recently taken over the associations and we are now going ahead with connecting the STP output to the flush tanks/commodes.

Our STP water report till date has been positive (i.e. meeting the required criteria). The initiative to connect the STP output to the commode/flush tanks is meeting some resistance/apprehensions from some residents because we still see the STP output water has got some yellow taint and it does have some odour.

To handle this we are thinking of installing an activated carbon filter in the STP. However carbon filters are costly and we have some doubts.

Can you please guide us here. We need inputs on

a) Is usage of activated carbon filter in STP common/recommended?

b) Is there any way of making the water colorless/odourless without usage of carbon filter (we have a sequential batch reactor with a sand filter at the end)?

Thanks and regards
