Unable to get water from borewell due to pipe puncture - How to locate puncture in a 10 kg guage pipe? How can I arrest this?

I have a borewell in my house - depth around 480 ft and pipe and motor/pump together inserted upto 440 ft. Recently I got it repaired the motor/pump due to motor coil burnt and impeller blades jammed. After this I hardly got water pumped for one day and next day onwards no water pumped out.

When I checked with local plumber who repairs the borewell etc, he informs that the motor/pump working fine with amps indicator showing correct reading etc but 90% chance of pipe would have got punctured due to which the motor/pump pumps the water but falling back in the borewell due to this puncture instead of water coming to the surface. Now my question is how do I locate the puncture in the pipe and how do I arrest it. The pipe is 10 kg gauge pipe from a reputed company.

Kindly advise.

