UGD reforms: Rules & regulations regarding wet well implementation in Mangalore, Karnataka

The city of Mangalore has an existing UGD system where, in our zone sewage runs down to an old wet well  at a low point 'A', from where it is pumped to a STP located at a higher point for treatment. Similar is the case of other zones of the city.

With the increase in population and extension of the city the local administration recently ,decided to lay parallel sewage lines up to point 'A' in all zones. The plan was subsequently scrapped citing technical reasons associated with deep excavation, road cutting etc within the city.

 The present proposal which is being implemented, intends the additional sewage generated in the new areas to be carried to an intermediate point where a new wet well is built and through discharge line over the ground pumped down to point 'A' wet well. Similarly  about 22 new intermediate wet wells are proposed by the administration in different areas of the city and most of them are located in densely populated areas.

Knowing how poorly wet wells are generally maintained people in the vicinity of the proposed wet wells are protesting.

Here, I should like to seek your advice and guidance as to the following:

1. Are there any rules/ regulations/ standards to be followed when locating / maintaining sewage wet wells in a densely populated area?

2. How do administration of other growing cities with similar UGD system cope with the problem of additional sewage generated. Is the introduction of new intermediate wet wells in a densely populated area the only accepted strategy to avoid road cutting etc?

3. Is our local administration resorting to short cut methods by  going for intermediate wet wells(Pumping stations) or should it look for other alternatives?

Your advice would be appreciated.

Prakash Alva
