Treatment of grey water from kitchen to be used for gardening purposes in a house in Delhi

I live in a society in Delhi. We wanted to reduce our water consumption and decided to recycle Kitchen Waste water from a block of 6 flats and use it for the greening of an adjacent garden. We channelled the water into a tank and did some basic treatment like addition of alum and filtration using a sieve/wire mesh. This water we then led to a storage tank from where we could draw water using a motor.

Although the scum and oiliness/greasiness reduced, but there is a lingering smell in the storage tank. We also found out that the BOD level of the water was still too high for it to be used for garden greening after we got the water tested. We were advised to use pot chlorination method i.e. a container containing coal and bleaching powder in a container with holes on its periphery. This, we were told, would reduce the smell and help heavier particles settle. However, I am unsure about the use of bleaching power as it may harm plants.

Kindly advice on what further action is required?
