Textile industry wastewater treatment

This is water after chemical dosing
This is water after chemical dosing

Hello, please help me;

Our ETP having a capacity of treating 1500m3/day, our wastewater is from laundry ( we’re doing dying, bleaching and washing). With pH 6-6.6

Treament mode is: Primary Sedimentation >Acid hydrolysis tank> Aeration >Secondary sedimentation.

Chemical used:

1.Poly aluminum Chloride (Coagulant)

2. FA-40B Polymer GO1-GO4 (Flocculant)

3. Caustic Soda ( NaOH)

My questions:

1. Why the primary water (water after dosing) becoming brownish color? We thought that maybe the dosing is too much higher/lower, so we tried to adjust the dosing but the problem persists.

2. How we’ll know that the MLSS is sufficient or not at the Aeration tanks

3. Why the water at the Secondary clarifier is dark brown in color?

Please help me even your advice/recommendation it will be appropriated, You can reply via:

Email: fredychami2@gmail.com, or fredychami@yahoo.com

WhatsApp/ Mobile no 0759959643


