Technical inputs needed regarding hardware and software components for school WASH programme in Punjab

From Bhawna Vajpai, The Loomba Trust, New Delhi
Posted 7 July 2008

I work for the UK based Loomba Trust, committed to upgrading and constructing water supply, sanitation and hygiene facilities in schools under its WASH initiatives. We aim to work in 1,000 schools across India (rural areas and small towns) in collaboration with state governments.

The project employs a holistic integrated WatSan strategy that includes hardware and software components. Using a child-friendly approach, we will design, construct and maintain facilities that will be part of the learning environment, and are hygienic and safe. These will be later maintained by the schools in sustainable manner.

We are starting a pilot in selected schools in Punjab, and collaborating with the State Government. The key project components are:

  • Hardware components
  1. Construction of school toilets and urinals that are gender sensitive, including incinerators in girl's toilets, and address the needs of physically challenged children
  2. Provision of effective water supply facilities, water conservation and reuse and hand washing facilities
  3. Drainage, plantations, waste disposal, proper lighting, and ventilation
  • Software components
  1. Behavioural change that includes health and hygiene education plans
  2. Formation and orientation of student sanitation clubs
  3. School health check-up and de-worming camps
  4. Training and capacity building for teachers

I am sure many organization/consultants are working on similar integrated WASH programmes. We would like to request the members of the Water and Education Communities to share their views and experiences on following:

  • What is your experience with hardware components that may be added while designing such integrated WatSan models/system? Please give detailed information.
  • Are there appropriate field tested technical designs for integrated water and sanitation models, with cost estimates, that can handle use by 200-500 children per day aged 5 to 17?
  • Please provide the names and contact details for technical professionals/organizations with experience in designing and implementing a WASH programme. Also, please suggest resource persons with training experience on hardware and software aspects.

We will use the inputs from members to refine the design of our project and to prepare a database of technical expertise, who can provide technical support for our project. These will be shared with the community.

Please see attachment below for the responses.
