TDS 1310, total hardness 304 - Is the water fit for consumption?


The following is the report of my borewell water:

  • Turbidity 1.6
  • Colour less than 20
  • pH 7.43
  • TDS 1310
  • Total Hardness [as CaCO3] 304 
  • Non Carbonate Hardness [as Ca CO3] Nil
  • Methyl Orange Alkalinity [as Ca CO3] 532 
  • Calcium 65
  • Magnesium 34
  • Chloride 324
  • Sulphate 92
  • Iron 0.68
  • Nitrate 2.16
  • Silica 34

Please advise whether this water can be used for drinking purposes and if not in what way can it be made fit for consumption.

Thank you
