Sustainable Business in India


I am a bachelor student at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and I am currently writing an academic report on sustainable business in India, with a particular focus on the Coca-Cola India Private Limited's CSR initiatives in their 13 different regions of operation in India.

In 2004, Coca-Cola lost a very lucrative operating license in Kerala due to a severe drought. Since, Coca-Cola has changed their corporate strategy and incorporated a comprehensive CSR framework with focus on water sustainability through their Water Stewardship, delegated by the United Nations.

Water is the main ingredient in Coca-Colas wide range of beverages and a scarce resource in areas of persistent local droughts, my question is, considering the great challenges India face is it even responsible to conduct business that so heavily rely on water usage?

January 24th 2014, The World Economic Forum published a report on the issue of climate change. In the past, the debate has evolved around carbon mitigation, however, recently the discussion of climate change adaption has been the center of attention amongst NGO's acting on the global arena.

From your point of view, do Indian businesses, multinational corporations, government and institutions take necessary measures to climate change adaption?

If yes, then how?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best Regards

Ditte Rieland
