Suggest borewell depth and dia, size and hp of submersible pump for 7 acre field in Punjab

Dear Sir,

I have 7 acres of land in Punjab where paddy & wheat are the main products. For irrigation purposes, I require to drill a borewell and install a submersible pump (SMMP). The soil type here is clayey.

The water level is about 135 feet from the surface. I have asked nearby farmers about this, but they all have different opinions. To utilize the SMMP to its full capacity and to save electricity, I would like some advice from the expert team. Kindly suggest me on the following:

1. What size (diameter) of bore is to be drilled and how deep should it to be?

2. What size and hp of submersible motor is to be installed?

3. What care should be taken while purchasing the pipes and SMMP. Kindly suggest the brand names for both.

Kind regards
