Sudden silt accumulation in borewell in Bidar, Karnataka - Is this because of the newly dug borewell in the neighbourhood?

Dear Sir,

I have  got a borewell drilled on 14-6-20 61/4th Inch upto 650 feet in Mahadevapura.  Installed Platic casing upto 30 feet and Metal casing upto 60 feet till the rock struck. We got water from 2 sources at 250-260 feet and at 430 to 440 feet.  As per driller report yield is around 2 inches of water

We installed 2 hp submersible 30 stage pump and water was being pumped satistafactorily without any silt till 22-11-10.

On 21-11-10 another borewell was dug in our neighbourhood at abot 60 feet disance. I couldnot pump out water when I tried on 22-11-10.  We contacted our motor installer and went ahead to remove the pump suspecting the motor/ pump failure.  We tried to manually remove it, used chain pully method etc  but could not remove the motor.  Our motor installer  is telling tht silt has accumulated upto 80 feet and hence is not able to remove the motor.  Motor is inside the borewell only and pipe was taken out.

Following are my quries.

1.  How could the sudden silt accumulation be possible as I was not having any water problem?

2.   Is it likely that silt might have entered our borewell after one more bore had been drilled in our neighbourhood

3.   Can I go ahead with installing another motor /Pump?  If Yes what is the suggested depth?

4.   Is it likely that even the second motor if installed get into silt?


