Strategies and incentives for village WATSAN committees in Indonesia - Need case studies and experiences in involving village communities

Dear members,

My name is Zilhafzi from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. I work in Water and Sanitation Programme (WATSAN) at IOM’s housing areas in 2 districts: Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. The programme facilitates the establishment of WATSAN Management Committees to provide and maintain water and sanitation through a community-based approach.

The WATSAN project has two main activities: Infrastructure and Public Health. Under Infrastructure, our activities focus on infrastructure of water supply, toilet rectification and strengthening water user communities. In Public Health activities, we established a Village Water and Sanitation Committee (VWSC); trained and provided them technical assistance with the expectation that Committee would manage Operational and Maintenance (O&M) and impart health education related to water and septic tanks. Members of the committee come from communities and they are chosen through a democratic election.

Currently we are trying to develop a sustainable Village Water and Sanitation strategy to encourage the committee to maintain water facility, collect cash contributions for water, handle bookkeeping and reporting and facilitate health education about living a healthy life. Some efforts and approaches are through focused group discussion, family consultation also vegetables and herbal plantation on the wetlands. In addition, we expect through water management, the committee members can increase their family incomes as stimulant activities to keep them active in running their responsibility. Our capacity building activities are basic health training,book keeping and facilitation techniques. But, since we have limited time as a donor agency, we are focused on finding sustainable solutions for the communities.

I would request members to share your experiences, and case studies (from Indonesia and other countries) on the following:

  • What strategies exist for involving the entire village communities in the Village Water and Sanitation Committee through routine contributions for water Operation and Maintenance and to support health dissemination activities?
  • What could be the possible incentives for income generation of the Water and Sanitation Committee?
  •  Which non-government organizations can provide technical assistance in Banda Aceh to continue the sustainability of the programme?

The information and input from colleagues will be valuable for us and also for other members whose project in community development.

Thank you very much.



International Organization for Migration,

Banda Aceh
