Solid waste management in urban settings - Need cases of successful recycling and revenue generation from solid waste in East Delhi

Original Query: Nidhi Prabha Tewari, Sanket Information & Research Agency, New Delhi
Posted on: 6th July 2005

I am part of a professional group, which provides inputs on developmental issues to the Member of Parliament from East Delhi. This query is related to solid waste management in the constituency.

East Delhi like many urban agglomerations has pockets of congested, densely populated areas where sanitation and hygiene are major concerns. Agile noses can locate garbage strewn carelessly all over long before the eye spots them. We are toying with the idea of management of the imposing problem of solid waste collection, segregation, analysis and disposal/ recycling.

I would like community members to share case studies or advice on two particular issues in solid waste management in urban settings:

  1. Successes and failures with recycling various categories of waste (aluminium, copper, paper, organic and toxic/ medical waste). For example, in some cities energy generation programmes through the solid waste route did not take off because much of the waste was wet and had high organic content and did not have significant calorific value (ref Rajghat Plant in Delhi).
  2. Revenue generation potential of solid waste – e.g., vermi composting and energy generation among others. There are examples of organizations like SELCO in Hyderabad and Waste Concern in Bangladesh who have done some pioneering work.

Please see atachment below for the responses.
