Is a softener required for water used for washing purposes?


We are an apartment of 41 flats (including Row Houses) in Pune. We use borewell water for non-drinking purposes. We have two borewells.  We have tested the water and the report is up loaded as a separate  file. Individual flats have their own water filters for drinking water. 

Borewell water is stored in the ground level tank and then it is pumped up to the overhead tank from where it is supplied to each flat. This water is only used in bathrooms. 

We are planning to install a water softening plant without RO. What would your advice be? The layman reading of the report shows that we should not since the parameters are marginally above IS10500 

We do not use the water for drinking purposes. The water is used for washing utensils, clothes etc. Daily requirement of the purified water would be around 30,000L and would be used for all purposes other than drinking.
