Sodium rich irrigation water in Thiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu : Remedies sough

I have some doubts regarding Irrigation Water which is sodium rich as per analytical report. It has been proposed to install Drip cum Fertilization unit in our area for Horticulture crops i.e.,for brinjal,gourds,chillies & watermelon. The EC is above 1.7.  I would like to know what sort of problems we will face in future and how to solve them?

Further I would like to be informed about applying Ammonium chloride/Ammonium sulphate is feasible as a source of Nitrogen.


1. Location - Village - Desoor/ Seeyamangalam / Thennathur of Thellar block,Thiruvannamalai Dist, Tamil Nadu, India.
2. Source of water - Open Well / Bore well(1 No.)
3. Test reports of water & Soil - Attached. Reports for randomly selected 6 samples
4. Amount of water / Area irrigated - 20 Hectares of area to be irrigated by establishing Drip com Fertigation unit - Crops (Brinjal, Chillies, Tomato, Gourds and Water-melon).
5. Problems in future - Both short term and long term use.(what would be faced / possible solutions)
6. Fertilizers - Kindly inform the source, if known.
7. Soil amendments - That can be recommended.

P.J. Gunasekar
