Silt obstructing pneumatic drill in Hebbal, Bangalore-Should we go in for a slow drill process or choose another borewell point?

I recently tried getting a borewell dug near Hebbal utilising the services of Kannan Borewells. I had fixed the water point from a Diviner. After 172 feet of pneumatic drilling, there was silt soil (clay type) and the drilling agent said they could not proceed further (10 inch PVC casing was done for 60 feet).

Kannan borewells called it off and suggested that we should adopt a slow drill process (employing the services of a second drilling agent) again from the ground level till we reach a rock bed from where Kannan guys will continue the pneumatic drill process till water bed is reached. Also when enquired, the Kannan guys said that they don't have the necessary equipment to carry out the power operated slow drill rig. Another drilling agent Rigman Borewells, said they cant proceed in that bore created and adviced me to try in a different location closing the previous one. He said slow drilling is not required and can be done with pneumatic drill only.

Can some one suggest me as to whether I should go by the Kannan guys methodology or should look at another water point? Please advice ASAP

Thank you in advance
