Seeking energy and environment-focused start-ups to join Village Capital's village business accelerator program later this year

My name is Patrick Huang and I am a US graduate student working for Village Capital in Mumbai, India for the summer. I would like to post the following message to the India Water Portal community:

Seeking energy/clean-tech start-ups to join Village Capital Business Accelerator Program. I am seeking energy and environment-focused start-ups to join our business accelerator program later this year.

Village Capital provides training and capital to entrepreneurs through a unique 12-week startup accelerator program. Over the course of three years, Village Capital has run fourteen programs - three in India - and trained more than 250 entrepreneurs from 30 countries. Village Capital plans to start another program soon in India in which a group of 10-12 entrepreneurs focus on the investment process, think like an investor and fine-tune basic business skills.

Throughout the program, the entrepreneurs evaluate each and at the end of the program, each votes on who receives pre-committed capital of INR 25,00,000 (half provided by Village Capital, the other half by a local investor). At the program's conclusion, the enterprises emerge stronger than they were coming in, with access to a global network of successful entrepreneurs and investors.

My ask: if you are an energy or environment-focused start-up that fit the criteria listed below, I would love the opportunity to speak with you and learn more about your business and how Village Capital can help. Selection Criteria: At least one full-time team member dedicated to the business Positive early traction (targeting post-revenue) Companies post-R&D, at the pilot/proof-of-concept stage For-profit enterprise with the potential to be venture-investable (no prior institutional investments) My contact methods are listed below and feel free to contact me at any time. I am excited to learn more about your start-up.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.

Patrick Huang Village Capital, Mumbai, India
