Seek technical advice in optimising electricity bill and water utility for an apartment complex

Hello Sir,- (from residents association)

We had an old borewell at @400 ft ; pipe 2", motor-6HP 8 stage;which went dry due to the borewell suppliers digging a nearby borewll deeper and using it to supply to other areas. We then dug a new borewell @900 ft ; motor- 5hp 30 stage; pipe- 1 1/4. Both are PVC pipes

Earlier we used to fill the tank in @3-4 hrs and now this takes @8-12 hrs. Also all of a sudden our electricity charges also shot up by almost 8-10 K. We are recharging the wells too with RWH.

We would like to optimise our eletricity bill and also water utility and hence need advise on how to go about it. We were told that the 6 hp motor cannnot be used for the new borewell . Additionall they say that we may need to put a 10/15 HP ,30 stage motor with GI pipe of 2" for better performance and reduce cost.

Can i know 1) if we can use the old motor/ old borewell again in anyway 2) what is the best design so we have water and save electricity 3) the cost factor told to have a 10/15 hp motor 30 stgs with 900 ft GI pipe is @2 lakhs, is it so....

Being a residential apartment with @40 flats we have difficulty in raising funds ,So pls suggest a good solution for this issue
