SBA pH low and MB conductivity high

Dear sir,

I am prabhu working in a power plant as Sr.Chemist.  For the last one month in our DM plant SBA O/L conductivity is maintaining 0.4 us/cm and pH is 6.0 to 6.5 (some time 8.5 also maintaining). But MB O/L conductivity is maintaining 0.65 us/cm. Earlier this happened one or two times but the next day itself it became normal.  This time it is not coming down.What can be the reason sir?

(Our Filter water pH 7.9, Cond - 350us/cm  (Earlier 450 us/cm due to rain now reduced)
SAC O/l pH 2.85 , Con - 480 us/cm)

Our plant setup is DMF ->ACF->SAC->DG->SBA->MB





