Rocky layer in borewell in Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh - Is it a cause for concern?

We constructed a bore well in Kuppam, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh. The characteristics of the well are as below.

Diameter of the bore well: 6.5 in
Depth of the borewell: 550ft
Casing used: pvc casing 30 ft
Date of construction:May 7th 2009

From 30 to 550ft the presence of a continous rocky layer was see, And water source obtained from 200 to 490 ft. I am planning to install a motor soon. Some doubts regarding the same are:

1. Does the presence of an extended rocky layer affect the performace of the well or yield / life?
2. Are there any precautions that I can undertake at present to ensure the long life of the well?

