Rig company drilled borewell in a land in Hyderabad,AP,Submersible pump could not be inserted at required depth - Need advise on legal position

I am a poor farmer having one acre land near Hyderabad. We drilled a borewell on 14-12-2011 spending Rs.67,365/-.We have paid the full amount on the spot for that and  have taken the bill. We have tried to insert the submersible pump on 21-12-2011 i.e. within one week because we didn't want the crop season to lapse.

We could go up to 45 feet only, against the total drilling depth of 425 feet where the driller has inserted the casing pipe up to 133 feet as per the soil conditions. The technician informed us that the bore was filled with mud and the casing pipe might have broken. We have paid for the cost of casing pipe as Rs.300 per feet. 

We wish to add that we have gone for a 6/kg.cm sq special pipe as per the advise of the driller against the 6 kg cm sq recommended by the geologist.

When we asked the rig owner about  this problem, the drilling owner is demanding another Rs.50,000/- for rectification.

Kindly advise us whether the responsibility of the rig owner ceases on completion of drilling the borewell.  Is the rig owner responsible to make the necessary alterations in the borewell in order to insert the pump set at the required depth.

We also noticed that while flushing the bore, we were able to hear loud noises and pointed it out to the operator. But he told us that it was common.

Now the rig owner is demanding money for rectifying the borewell to insert the pump up to the required depth. Kindly advise the manner in which  we have to proceed against the rig owner.

Kindly advise regarding the legal position.

Sreelakshmi Manne
