Request to visit our website and review the set of economic solutions provided by us for Indian economy

Dear Sir / Madam,

We are an independent Non-partisan Nonprofit organization which has conducted and released a study consisting of set of solutions that could provide possible answer to some of the current problems of Indian Economy. These solutions are aimed to solve and reduce the problems like poverty, inequality and provide financial security to the people and further to also help in the improving the governance, education and services.

We believe the solutions provided by western economists does not apply in the Indian context, Indian culture, Indian people and this is one of the reasons people in India are poor and economy is not in good shape. Therefore there is a need of solutions which specifically addresses the needs of Indian people, Indian economy and particularly suiting to Bhartiya nagriks and its culture.

It is my request for you to please review these solutions. This study is made available for free access to general public at this website.

Click here to go to our website

Yours Sincerely

Sumeet Kumar
