Request for time from India Water Portal team to help with our research paper - We are visiting India from Jan 10-22, 2013

I am a graduate student at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University where I am working on my graduate thesis. I am collaborating with a colleague of mine to compile research on how both India and China are dealing with rising energy demands while addressing water security and scarcity concerns.

Our research paper is titled “China and India’s thirst for power: Meeting electricity demand amidst water insecurity”.  I am writing to you because at the moment we are focusing our research on India and would greatly appreciate meeting with someone from India Water Portal to discuss aspects of our research topic.

We will be traveling throughout India from January 10, 2013 – January 22, 2013 taking meetings and compiling primary research. Given your team's area of expertise we would welcome any time someone may have to meet and speak with us while we are in India. This meeting would be informal and could cover any aspect of our research area – policy, current water needs, electricity expansion, fuel sources, etc.

Any time would be appreciated and add to our academic findings.
