Request for grants for KISES


Kiranmayi Socio Educational Society(KISES), Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh is a non profit, non sectarian social service organization working for the development of the downtrodden, vulnerable and poorest of the poor communities in Khammam and Krishna Districts. We have been in the social field for the past 13 years and have qualified and committed staffs, who are involved in the social work.

The communities we are operating are island villages and near to the coast and are from a minimum distance of 1 km to 5 km and are open to the fury of natural calamities such as cyclones, floods and Tsunami. Our main target groups is poorest of the poor, scheduled caste, scheduled Tribes and backward communities in the villages and are mainly dependent on fishing in and around sea and work as agriculture laborers. All these communities are very remote and the momentums of development initiatives from various service providers including Government departments are at very slow pace.

Till now our organization mainly focused on Health, Water and Sanitation (WASH), women empowerment, bringing health awareness on preventive & primitive aspects, motivating child labour back to mainstream of education, child rights and child protection, disabled people, care and support to the HIV/AIDS and cancer people, training youth programmes, establishing linkages with banks & other government departments, improving the habitation conditions such as toilet construction, new house construction and housing to limited extent and when ever need rises, involved in emergency relief, climate change and environment.

The past interventions have allowed in building good rapport with various community groups to bring improvement in their situation and welfare . But the efforts given till now are very nominal and not very much focused to bring requisite change in the lives of children, families and communities, the main reason being financial constrains.

By considering the situation we have constructed the health centre at one of our operational villages with the support of Tdh, Switzerland and now we are searching for the mobilization of the resources for the running of the health centre. We came to know that you are also supporting for the good social activities especially for the health interventions and we glad to know the same.

Now that we propose to work with integrated child centered community development approach which aims at sensitizing the community groups in realizing their potentialities, attaining their rights and there by create demand for services. Besides these we propose to support children, families and communities with certain direct benefits to meet the immediate basic requirements. At this juncture we are happy to approach your organization for your cooperation & financial commitment to bring change in conditions among the poor and marginalized. On hearing from you a positive note we shall submit you the detailed project proposal.

Thanking You,
