Request for information regarding second time bore-well digging in a constructed house

Hello sir,

I have a individual house with three floors (Parking, 1st floor & 2nd floor). We already drilled a bore-well point. But, the problem is that there is no water in it, because my neighbour drilled in their land. I am not getting the water. (I don't know how depth it is drilled, because it is a resale house).

I wanted to find out if:

1) We can drill a bore-well once again at the same point.

2) Will any damage occur in the building or in the pillars?

3) If we go for digging the bore-well once again what is the procedure to do so again?

4) Which type of drilling machine will good and safe for the second time bore-well drilling?

We are very in very confused state. Please help to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

