Reducing recurrent water treatment expenses at home in Noida, UP : Alternate methods sought

I stay in Noida, UP. The drinking water supply contains 2,000 parts per million (ppm) of total dissolved solids (TDS) against the maximum permissible 500 ppm. The total hardness of the water supplied is 850 ppm against a maximum of 300. The alkalinity in the water is 200 mg to the litre as against 120, and the chlorides level is 700 ppm against the acceptable limit of 250. I have a RO system installed for the kitchen (ie. drinking & cooking)

However recurring cost for RO system is approx. Rs. 3500 (incl AMC, filters,membrane). Additionally Geysers need element replacement almost every year (@approx 1000 per replacement). I am sure the internal pipes are getting corroded. Personal health is also affected due to hard water.

What can be additionally done ? Should I install a Iron filter / Ion exchange unit at the main line ? Any help / method that will reduce the recurrent expenses is sought.

