What should be submersible pump condition for rainwater direct injecting to borewell?

Sir, I'm looking at rainwater direct injecting to borewell after filtration of rainwater through filters and recharge pit

Details as follows:
Roof Area: 2200 SqFt
Bore Depth: 210 Ft
Casing Pipe: 20 Ft
Submersible Pump Placed at : 175Ft
Water 1st Source: 40Ft (Dry as of now)
Water 2nd Soure: 115Ft (Dry as of now)
Water 3rd Source: 160Ft (Working now)

However, my borewell person who installed submersible pump at the depth of 175 Ft, says that if the rainwater after filtration injected to borewell directly either from the TOP or through perforated pipe. There will be several drills on the casing pipe at 10 Ft down from top which means, when rainwater enters into the borewell silt will also enter and huge deposition will be formed just above pump making it impossible to lift the pump incase of any service requirement. This might lead to end of life of the borewell.

Seeking your advice on this aspect.

Thank you